Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Park Bench

The Davis Thayer park bench and playground are the key images from my childhood. I went to that bench for my very first recess. It is where I met my best friends, Tate, Molly, and Casey. Ever since that day I reminisce about my elementary years. I sat there with my friends and gossiped about the latest drama. The drama could not compare to the drama now. Back then it was who aced their spelling quiz and won a piece of candy. But the memories I will save forever are the ones you had to search for.
Hanging out at the park bench didn’t just bring me friendships or memories, it taught life lessons. I learned how to trust and gain confidence. I also learned the meaning of friendship. Friendship means you can be yourself and laugh whenever you feel like it. The park bench brought me change, change that is not necessarily good or bad. I learned that change is normal to have in your life. The park bench brought me memories and friendships of which I will always remember.

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